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Exercise Science Major


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为一个需求旺盛、注重健康、多才多艺的职业做好准备. 运动科学是一门以运动设计为核心的动态专业, fitness management, 力量和调节.

它结合了实践经验, 解剖学的理论研究和严格的课程, physiology, 健身和健康评估和运动处方.

Real-world focused, the major helps you develop the interpersonal and professional skills needed for client interaction, 体能评估及客户需求评估, 并将这些信息整合到康复或锻炼计划中.

实践学习是该计划不可或缺的一部分. 您将受益于令人印象深刻的实验室和研究机会, diverse clinical visits, 社区外展活动等等.

在你大四的时候,你需要实习来综合你的学习, 建立网络联系和分析能力, 解决问题和沟通技巧.

  • 泰勒·谢弗16级和心脏康复病人

    Through your studies, you will learn to conduct fitness testing and implement exercise programs for low- to moderate-risk clients and individuals with controlled diseases.

  • Paul Szabo,西南通用生活工厂16届实习生

    A required internship builds networking contacts and hones analytical, problem-solving and communication skills.

  • 16届克里斯蒂安·盖恩斯和16届林赛·斯坦纳

    You will also gain competencies for developing strength and conditioning programs for clients and athletes.

  • BW exercise science students attend the Midwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference

    Participating in professional organizations enables you to network with experts in your field and distinguish yourself early in your career. BW students attend the Midwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference.



97% passage rate for first-time takers of the ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist exam.



Excellent NSCA Results

93 percent passage rate for first-time test takers over the past five years for students seeking NSCA certification

99% passage rate over the past five years for first-time test takers seeking National Strength and Conditioning Association certification. BW是入选NSCA认可计划的五所学校之一, which recognizes outstanding curricula that prepares students for NSCA certification exams.


BW距离克利夫兰只有20分钟车程, 作为全国公认的医疗保健行业中心, provides outstanding 实习、临床和职业 opportunities.

  • 心脏康复专家
  • 社区欧博allbet主任
  • Exercise specialist
  • Group exercise leader
  • Healthcare consultant
  • 医学健身中心经理
  • Personal trainer
  • 康乐及体育总监
  • 力量和体能教练
  • Wellness coordinator



鲍德温华莱士的运动科学专业完全由 联合健康教育计划认证委员会.


BW faculty is committed to program quality through alignment to the national standards set forth by CAAHEP which aligns to the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that the 运动科学评审委员会(CoAES) established to ensure programs develop knowledgeable and skilled practitioners in the field of sports science.

Outcome Data: 100% of 2023-24 exercise science graduates successfully completed internships and 100% indicated satisfaction with the BW exercise science program.

National Strength and Conditioning Association Education Recognition Program Logo

NSCA Recognition

The exercise science major is an approved and recognized program through the National Strength and Condition Association (NSCA) Education Recognition Program (ERP). The ERP recognizes curricula that prepares students for NSCA certification and provides benefits such as reduced membership and exam fees.

Exercise is Medicine


BW has earned silver status with the 运动是校园的良药 (EIM-OC) program. EIM-OC calls upon universities and colleges to engage in the promotion of physical activity as a vital sign of health. Faculty, staff and students will work together toward improving the health and well-being of the BW community.


Offered as a major, exercise science is a comprehensive program that has career application in clinical, corporate, 社区和商业环境.

Through your studies, you'll learn to conduct fitness testing and implement exercise programs for low- to moderate-risk clients and individuals with controlled diseases. You'll also gain competencies for developing strength and conditioning programs for clients and athletes.

Upon graduation, students are strongly encouraged to seek professional certification through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) or the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) to enhance their opportunities for employment.

Some students further their education by attending graduate school for allied health professions.

Exercise science is an ideal companion major to the pre-allied health/pre-physical therapy major or the sport medicine minor.


  • 展示对解剖学基本原理的掌握 & 与运动、训练和一般健康相关的生理学
  • 掌握与体能评估相关的技能, health, 人体运动和表演
  • Analyze and interpret current scientific literature and evidence to create effective professional presentation of content
  • 在开发中应用最佳实践, prescribing and administering safe and effective exercise or strength and conditioning programs for clients or athletes
  • 有效沟通健身领域相关内容, health, 书写形式的人体动作和表演
  • Demonstrate professional behavior consistent with discipline and scope of practice
Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions, requirements for the major and additional information can be found in the University Catalog.


体验式学习将课堂学习与现实世界的机会联系起来. 你可以通过实习加强你的学习, 课外活动和其他学习机会.

As part of your studies, you'll work on an independent or team-based research project. The research can range from development of sports-specific techniques for athletes to focusing on ways to encourage individuals to adhere to an exercise program.

Exercise is Medicine® on Campus (EIM-OC) is designed to engage universities and colleges and their students, 教职员工不断努力提高身体素质, 校园和社区的健康和健康. 这个学生团体提倡健康, active lifestyles to the people of the Baldwin Wallace and surrounding communities, 通过教育和评估.

这个组织是一个由学生领导的团体. 它为学生提供了发展技能的教育机会, enhance their knowledge of these professions and learn about the requirements for graduate and professional programs.


  • 邦妮·雷研究生奖学金(纪念邦妮·雷), 她在BW教书,还是女篮教练, 1980-89).
  • Dr. Lee J. 特雷塞尔奖学金(纪念特雷塞尔博士. 48岁的李·特雷塞尔(Lee Tressel), 1957-80年间曾任BW的足球教练。.
  • 胡佛-斯托弗奖(纪念胡佛博士. Marjorie Hower, 谁是BW的教授, 1947-80, and Myrta Stover, 谁在BW教过课, 1943-68).


The 选择俄亥俄州第一STEM学者计划 is open to Ohio residents who are entering Baldwin Wallace in the fall as a first-year student or transfer student and are interested in exercise science. Students are eligible to apply to the program which also offers the Choose Ohio First scholarship, 授予实质性年度奖励, renewable scholarships.


鲍德温华莱士长期以来一直支持学生的成功. Evidence of this can be seen in the extraordinary achievements of its alumni spread throughout the United States and the world.

Mary KileyMary Kiley '21, 科罗拉多州立大学卫生专业研究生助理 & Human Performance. “我把我的成功归功于BW的高标准学习和专业精神. 教师和工作人员提供支持,导致实习和职业发展. My passion for exercise science and motivation to improve are products of my BW experience."

Alexandria KozichAlex Kozich '21 completed a degree in pre-PT and exercise science; on pace to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy from OSU in 2024. “我在BW的经历和导师们帮助我在研究生院取得了成功. 通过实习,我找到了帮助神经系统疾病患者的热情. BW让我成功地成为了一名PT,并在这个过程中改变了我的生活."

Dan EberleDane Eberle '19, Physical Therapist & 匹兹堡大学医学中心脊柱/骨科专家. Dane earned degrees in athletic training and pre-physical therapy; he published research papers with a case study, 获得了三次oac的学术荣誉和三封大学橄榄球队的信件. 他在匹兹堡大学获得了物理治疗博士学位.

Kelly FerianKelly Ferian '19, 匹兹堡大学医学中心运动教练, earned an athletic training degree from BW and a Master's in exercise science and health promotion, 加州宾夕法尼亚大学. “BW的教授在学术上指导我, professionally, 在社交和心理上帮助我建立了作为临床医生的信心."

Zoe Hopkins photoZoe Hopkins '18, Fitness Specialist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Health and Fitness Center in Columbus, Ohio. Zoe is an ACSM certified personal trainer and teaches group fitness classes specializing in programming specific to Parkinson's disease.


Jaimy M. Dyer

Program Director, M.S. in Exercise Physiology

Jaimy M. Dyer

Megan Frank

Associate Professor

Megan Frank

Wendy Hyde

Assistant Professor
M.Ed., Springfield College

Wendy Hyde

Alexander Morgan

Assistant Professor

Alexander Morgan

Amy Jo Sutterluety


Amy Jo Sutterluety

Full-Time Faculty

Amy Jo Sutterluety

Jaimy M. Dyer
Program Director, M.S. in Exercise Physiology

Cory Beaumont
Assistant Professor

Megan Frank
Associate Professor

Karyn Gentile
Associate Professor
M.S., Syracuse University

Wendy Hyde
Assistant Professor
M.Ed., Springfield College

Alexander Morgan
Assistant Professor